If you are conscious and honest with yourself, challenges occur in your life. Some of these challenges will be small. Others will seem to shake the very foundation of your life and make you wonder why you were ever born. It is at times like the latter that you need tools in your shed to help you weather the storm.
1. Connect with Spirit/God/the Universe.
This is the first and most important tool. Nurturing your connection to a Higher Power will alleviate the feeling of loneliness that often comes when we feel that life is raining on us. When you are solidly grounded in Spirit, you know that life is always on your side despite what it may look like at the moment. This job loss may be the motivation you need in order to start your own business. Maintain your connection with your God and seek comfort and guidance there first in all situations.
2. Love yourself.
Does this sound a bit like New Age jargon? Well, it’s the second tool you need in your shed or you will most certainly get caught up in the hurricane. This hurricane sometimes looks like the end of a relationship that is completely devastating. The truth is that you are now being given a divine opportunity to love yourself. Until you are able to love yourself, you cannot love or be loved by someone else. This will show up in all of your relationships. The people in our lives are here to show us how we feel about ourselves and sometimes to allow us to use our new tools to exert our new boundaries.
3. Have a vision for your life
Life is a journey. When you get into your car to drive from Chicago to St. Louis, you have directions and a GPS in case you need to take a detour. Being on your way to your vision is no different than taking a road trip. You need a clear direction in which to travel and a map in case you need to take a detour. Write your vision down and keep it someplace where you will see it. Read it often and use it to make your plans and to-do lists. This vision is your map to your future.
When you are feeling discouraged, read it and know that that is where you are headed. Detours may be necessary; but not only do you not have to stay off course, you may enjoy the scenery if you realize that this is just a detour. Read your vision out loud. Every word that leaves your mouth is a prayer. God always answers prayers.
4. Establish a Network of support.
No man is an island, entire of itself. John Donne was completely right in this saying. We are all interconnected and we need to nurture the support that comes with that interconnectedness if we are to thrive. If you find yourself in the middle of a storm, turn to your support network. These are people who love you and want only the best for you. They will be your shoulder to cry on and a resource when you’re not thinking clearly.
If you do not currently have a strong support system, seek one by hiring a coach, speaking with your pastor, starting a mastermind group or joining other groups that are of interest. The key is not to isolate yourself or think that you have to do it all alone. You are eternally connected to all life and it is to your advantage to utilize that connection.
5. Be willing to let go and embrace change.
When your life seems to be falling apart, realize that change is inevitable and surrender to it. The journey will be much more pleasant if you aren’t dragged along kicking and screaming the entire way. Focus on what’s good in your life and before you know it, the storm is over and there’s a beautiful rainbow waiting for you.
Life has challenges. This is one of the purposes for incarnation. Your job is to weather the storm with as little pain as possible. Ground yourself in your spirituality as a protective measure. Harbor tremendous love for yourself and see that the storms are of a lower intensity.
Maintain your vision and stay on course through even the most treacherous turmoil. Rally your support for extra protection and damage control. Finally, be willing to embrace change and allow things to fall away if necessary. Mourn the loss and move on as there are always better things in store for you. If you open your hands and let go, there’s room for you to receive.