Experiencing occasional anxiety and having an anxiety disorder are distinct from each other. When afflicted with an anxiety disorder, one can become consumed by a specific thought or feeling, spiraling into a cascade of anxious thoughts. Although there are various forms of anxiety disorders, they all share a common trait of disrupting one's everyday existence. Here are four indications that may suggest you are grappling with an anxiety disorder.
Your Anxious Thoughts Don’t Go Away
If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you typically experience intense anxiety in situations that might only cause slight unease in others, such as family gatherings. Moreover, this anxiety tends to linger for a longer duration and remain persistent. It becomes problematic when your anxious thoughts begin to affect your everyday life.
Your Anxiety Manifests Itself Physically
If you experience physical symptoms such as restlessness, fatigue, and muscle pain along with anxious thoughts, it may indicate that you have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders can also cause gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn, cramping, and even diarrhea. These physical symptoms occur because your body remains in a constant state of heightened anxiety.
You Can’t Focus
It is not uncommon for individuals with a general anxiety disorder to be mistakenly identified as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This is due to the fact that individuals with anxiety disorders often struggle with maintaining focus. Constant anxiety can lead to excessive rumination and being consumed by negative thoughts and obsessions, which can easily divert attention. From an outsider's perspective, this may appear as though the person has ADHD.
You Have Trouble Sleeping
When you feel anxious, it often leads your mind on a journey that makes it difficult for you to fall asleep. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) states that nearly all mental disorders, including anxiety, can cause some degree of sleep disturbance.
If you experience multiple symptoms mentioned above, it is likely that you are dealing with an anxiety disorder. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before making any assumptions, as anxiety symptoms can often resemble symptoms of other medical conditions. The good news is that anxiety disorders can be treated, allowing you to learn how to manage your symptoms and resume your normal life.